<title> <META NAME="description" CONTENT="AquaCalc LLC / JBS Instruments specializes in stream flow measurement devices like the AquaCalc that are used in the field of hydrology."> <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="jbs instruments aquacalc aquacount stream flow measurement water discharge current meter hydrology usgs"> </title>

AquaCalc Pro Plus USB Drivers

The AquaCalc Pro Plus has an optional USB connection built in. To use the USB connection with your Windows computer, you will need to install the AquaCalc Pro Plus USB drivers.

The USB Drivers can be downloaded from our website. To manually install the AquaCalc Pro Plus USB Drivers:

  1. Download the AquaCalc Pro Plus USB Driver 6.5 (AquaCalc_Pro_Plus_USB_Driver_6_5.zip 3.4 Mb) compressed zip file from the JBS website.
  2. Unzip the file by right clicking the file and selecting “Extract All ...” from the menu that pops up.
  3. Run the AquaCalcProPlusUSBSetup.exe file in the folder that you extracted to. This will install the USB drivers onto the computer.
  4. Connect your AquaCalc Pro Plus using the USB cable and turn it on. Windows should  show a window “Installing hardware device...”.
  5. After Windows finishes installing the hardware, your AquaCalc will appear in “Device and Printers” with a Communications port assigned to it (such as COM7).
  6. Go to the Connection screen in your AquaCalc Pro Plus to download section measurements. The AquaCalc Pro Plus must be in the Connections screen before trying to download measurements using DataLink.

Download the AquaCalc Pro Plus USB Driver 6.5 (AquaCalc_Pro_Plus_USB_Driver_6_5.zip 3.4 Mb)

Note: This USB Driver can not be used with the AquaCalc 5000 or the discontinued AquaCalc Pro.

AquaCalc Pro Plus USB connector

The AquaCalc Pro Plus USB connector

AquaCalc Pro Plus USB Drivers

AquaCalc LLC. · telephone +1.916.372.0534 · e-mail: sales@aquacalc.com

Need Accessories or Cables?

We have replacement parts and cables for the AquaCalc line of stream flow computers including the Digital Pygmy Magnetic Head retro fit your old Pygmy Current Meter with a new digital magnetic sensor.

Find Accessories and Cables here.

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